

The sponsorship is a connection between the economic and social worlds, in the interest of our communities’ wellbeing.

I assist associations, foundations and endowment funds setting their sponsoring strategy, approaching potential sponsors, creating marketing materials, managing public relations and drafting articles that favour the connection with the right sponsoring companies.

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The Sponsorship

A sponsorship is “a material, human or financial support provided, without any direct compensation to the grantor, to a project or a person in order to undertake activities with a social impact” (articles 200 et 238 bis du Code GénéraI des Impôts).

100% Solidarity
and lever to the local development

Sponsorship is a matter of eagerness to stand together and of both internal and external communication strategy of a firm or individual that strengthen its integration in its community and the cohesion among its employees.


The sponsoring company can agree with the beneficiary a compensation representing up to 25% of the support granted. The compensation can take different forms and need to be agreed between the sponsor and the receiver, taking into consideration the type of the project and the goals of the sponsor.

Tax Deduction

Sponsoring corporates will benefit from a 60% tax deduction on the amount granted, and up to 0.5 per cent of their total turnover (66% for individuals).

Projects delivered

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I analyse the needs of each project and prepare an action plan, with a set timeline and identified network.


I develop lists of potential sponsors, draft promotion documents / emails / follow-ups, prepare and hold meetings with sponsors, negotiate and agree on compensations.


Design and creation of various materials (paper, web, point of sale advertising).

Public Relations
and Medias

Creation and development of specific events (launching event, reception, cocktail, parties) and communication materials ([PQR] and specialised press) for each project.

Advice on digital strategy

Support on the on-line platform developed by HelloAsso

accompagnement des associations mécénat pays basque

Who am I?

After 10 years at the Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque where I focused on the cultural development of the Basque region, and 3 years dedicated to social projects and the social economy,

I made my mind to create this advisory firm focused on sponsorship, connecting social project managers (associations, foundations, endowment funds) with corporates and individuals in the Basque Country.

A single objective: go beyond the boundaries of the economic and social worlds to foster solidarity and social projects with an impact in our local community.

> Full profil on Linkedin.

Contact me

TEl. : +33 (6) 44 96 83 90

139 chemin Saint Jean

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